New Blog

New Blog

I have to face the fact that I am almost totally computer challenged. I’ve had this blog more than a year and can’t do much of anything to it so I started a new blog at It seems to be much easier for me.I hope you join me there.




On one of my Yahoo groups, for the month of July, we were challenged to save something plastic from the landfill. I’m much better at saving paper from the landfill but when my son was younger and I had the energy for a garden we used to make wind spinners out of 2 liter bottles. So here is my contribution for July’s SAVE OUR EARTH.

I would like to give credit for this but it’s such an old idea I have no clue where it came from.

New things

Just a few things I’ve been working on.

more owls

The sewing bug is outta my system. I really am not meant to use a needle and thread. But I made one more stuffed owl. This one is suppose to be a barn owl, can you tell? I know, he needs a tweak here and there.

I also did a few quick paintings but only two that I like. Naturally, one is an owl.


I haven’t been doing too much lately. I’m so lazy! I made an apron for my 4 yo niece to wear when she paints. No sewing except for some buttons. Finally someone else in the family that likes art! I’m so proud. HA!

I have been cleaning my art area and found some felt pieces so I made some stuffed owls. The biggest is about 9 inches maybe and the smallest a little over 2 inches. I don’t sew very well but this was small enough that I didn’t get frustrated.

I did a few journal pages but I filed them under – Sometimes it just isn’t art – I did finally finish an owl painting. Or maybe it’s really a tree painting. It’s on an old canvas that I have painted over several times. Eventually I will probably paint over this one as well.

There are so many fabulous ATC swaps and Mixed Media swaps happening in my Yahoo groups. Maybe one of these days I can join in again. (Unfortunately I’ll be paying medical bills for a while)

Here are a few pictures


This month I recycled a tea box. . Initially it was for seed packets but naturally I didn’t check to see if they would fit and they don’t. So I will find another use for them. Oversize ATC cards or something.

The book was for my niece and her trip with Show Choir to Disneyland last year to perform and the owl pencil holder started life as an oatmeal box. Don’t you just love owls? I do.
Birds, flowers and trees. oh my.

Catching up

I had to have surgery a couple of weeks ago and I haven’t been doing much art since, at least none that I want anyone to see! Sometimes it just isn’t art. But I think maybe I am getting back into it. I haven’t made any ATC’s but I have been spending some time working in my art journals. It was really hard to do nothing for 2 weeks! I still have to take it easy the rest of the month but I don’t have to “do nothing”.

(I also won some very nice Die-cuts from the ATC_FUN Yahoo group for my recycled tissue box journal, Thanks Judy)

Here are a few pages that I don’t have too many issues with. I’m not really very good at doing collage but I keep trying! The yellow page with the bird on a limb was a bunch of scraps on my desk that I threw together and now I have no clue as to where its going from here, but it’s definitely not finished.

The flowers are just outside my gate. All the flowers grow outside the gate instead of inside. Oh well, at least I can still enjoy them!

recycle sumpthin

On one of my Yahoo groups – ATC_fun – Someone posted a recycle sumpthin contest. Well, maybe its a contest. I’m not sure. Anyway. Guess I wasn’t paying attention!

I recycle cardboard boxes such as cereal boxes, tissue boxes, etc. Here’s a couple of pictures of my recycled tissue boxes as an art journal. The pages are all different sizes but I find that I like it much better than having them all the same.

I also started painting the insides of cereal boxes with Gesso and giving them to my niece for use as canvas. She’s 5. They are sturdier than paper but cheaper than canvas, and can be bound if her mom wants to save them as a book.